The Best Simple Haddock Chowder Recipe.

Comforting Haddock Chowder: Sharing Our Recipe.

Haddock Chowder is a delicious meal that can warm you up from the inside out. This mild white fish combined with simple ingredients makes for a savory yet satisfying meal.

What is Haddock?

Haddock is a white fish known for having a mild flavor and firm texture. The freshest highest quality haddock is harvested from the North Atlantic Ocean. It’s worth noting that despite many people claiming to dislike the taste of fish, they often still enjoy haddock.

Haddock fish in water

Haddock fish in the water. Credit: NOAA Fisheries

What is a chowder?

The definition of “chowder” can vary by region. This recipe is a New England original, cream-based, and buttery.

List of ingredients for this Haddock Chowder Recipe:

  • Haddock (or cod*) Fresh or Frozen, 2 pounds.
  • White potatoes, Medium, 4.
  • Yellow onion, 1.
  • Evaporated Milk, 2 cans
  • Whole milk, 1 quart.
  • Salted Butter, 1 Stick.
  • Soup Base ( I prefer chicken)
  • Salt, Black or white pepper, and Paprika (To taste)

Preparing your fish for chowder:

Rinse your haddock piece, or pieces and pat dry with a paper towel. Using a sharp knife, cut chunks of various sizes up to 2 inches. Leave some bigger pieces, as often the fish breaks down in the cooking process, and you don’t want your chowder to be all flakes.

Quality Tip: If you are using fresh fish, put it in the freezer for about 10 minutes. This will aid in obtaining clean cuts and pieces staying whole.

Arrange other ingredients for a quick process.

Dice potatoes into one-inch cubes, and finely chop your onion. Open your cans of milk and have the rest of your necessities within reach.

onions for Haddock chowder
Chopped onions for Haddock Chowder Recipe.

Making the haddock chowder in a few simple steps:

  • Place potatoes, onions, paprika, salt, and pepper in a 6-quart pot and add water, just enough to cover.
  • Heat on medium-high until boiling, just until potatoes start to become tender, do not cook them all the way through, as they will become mushy in your final product.
Adding paprika
Adding ingredients to chowder.
  • During the boiling process, add 2 tablespoons of soup base. It is important to do this during the boiling stage, so it will properly dissolve.
  • Once the potatoes have reached the desired tenderness, turn off the stove burner and add one stick of butter.
  • Layer chunks of haddock on top of potatoes, and cover with a lid.
  • Let set for 10 to 15 minutes, allowing the steam to start the cooking of the fish.
Chunks of haddock in pot.
Haddock pieces are added to the pot for cooking.
  • Uncover, and add 2 cans of evaporated milk and 1 quart whole milk.
  • Resume heat to very low, stirring lightly to blend ingredients, while keeping the pieces of fish intact.
  • Simmer, slowly stirring occasionally, until heated through.
  • Continue to add salt and pepper to taste.

Chowders are better the next day.

As with most soups, stews, and chowders, letting it sit for a day enhances the flavors. Even though my husband is eager to devour it, he agrees that it’s better after being refrigerated for a day.

* Substituting Cod or Halibut in place of Haddock in Chowder.

Haddock, cod, and halibut share some similarities due to their close family ties and have distinct characteristics in terms of appearance, flavor, texture, and price. The choice of which fish to use depends on your desired taste and texture.

two bowls of haddock chowder
If desired, add crumbled bacon or fresh herbs.

**** You may also enjoy our easy and delicious Seafood Stew recipe, made with Lobster, Scallops, and Shrimp.

Do you enjoy Haddock or any other Ocean white fish? Let’s hear from you in the comments.